Sunday, August 25, 2013

Why All the Artifice Women?

Why do regular women and celebrities feel the need to be so fake. For some reason it has become fashionable to have fake nails, eyelashes, hair, hair color, eye color, body parts, and faces.  There is nothing wrong with enhancing what you have so that you feel good about yourself and confident.  A little lipstick/gloss, nail polish, brow sculpting, and powder can work wonders for most women but when one smears their face with so much ghostly white foundation and enlarges their lips so that they resemble a catfish, the look becomes ridiculous.  Since when is the natural eye color of Egyptian women blue?  When did the craze for Michael Jackson noses infect us?  Do eyebrows really need to be painted on in the darkest black?  There are many celebrity women who have obviously had plastic surgery and deny it but even a little plastic surgery is not so bad.  But of course we all know those who take it too far.

1 comment:

  1. Your body image is what you would like it to be. If you're having trouble securing companionship, perhaps a change is in order.
